
Chicago-area native Tracy Friend is not only a singer, songwriter, guitarist and keyboard player, but she is an expert in positive change. With a background originally in finance and marketing, Tracy has made a career in facilitating organizational change at a global level. She is also a mover and a shaker in her local community, having served on her synagogue board for many years. As an artist, she touches souls at a deeply personal level.
Tracy’s musical diversity is a thrill for the audiophile as she blends folk, jazz, and light rock with Sephardi and Mitzrahi world-beat sounds. Her sweet voice and modern interpretations of ancient prayers and biblical text strengthens and engages the community while her heart-felt songs on current issues inspire social action. Whether in business or music, local or global, Tracy has devoted herself to Tikkun Olam.
As with many artists on the Jewish music scene, Tracy got her start at summer camp. It was there that she discovered alternative forms of worship and the power of expressing prayer through music. Over the years she has led services and performed in concert for congregations, conferences, festivals and events. She has released three CDs of original Jewish music: “When All is Said and Done,” a collection of modern liturgical prayers, “We Choose Peace,” an inspirational project on peace, prayer and possibility, and most recently, “God is Near,” an eclectic collaborative effort with Andrew Dennen. She also co-wrote and composed the score for a Chicago-area musical comedy, “Love in the Catskills.”
Stay tuned as Tracy is currently working on her next project with fellow singer/songwriter Kyra Goldman. Tracy donates a portion of all music sales to organizations supporting peace in the Middle East.